Our Mission:
The unique circumstances provided by FIRST allow students to surmount tremendous challenges and showcase their effort on an international scale. Through their participation in FIRST Robotics Competition, students learn how to work in a team environment and collaborate in a competitive setting in order to build a robot in a short span of 6 weeks.
Participating in Team 7157 allows students to gain experience in the STEM fields as well as business in a world that’s becoming increasingly reliant on technological innovations. Our team inspires an excitement in STEM at our school and local community, and the indispensable knowledge gained through this opportunity carries with students as they go on to study in the future.
2024 Robot Teaser
These are our Competitions and Results during the 2024 Season

Our Origins
Team 7157 began as a rookie FRC team operating out of Brea Olinda High School with little to no resources, leading to a robot built in a mentor’s garage equipped with only a drill press, and a table saw.
In spite of these setbacks, μBotics functioned as distinguished OC Regional semi-finalist, recipient of the “Rookie All-Star Award,” and competitor at the 2018 World Championships within their first year.

Over the past few years, we have been met with much success winning AVR and becoming the Johnson Division 2023 semi-finalists along with winning Beach Blitz and OCR and becoming Daly Division finalists in 2024. We are currently preparing for the 2025 season, recruiting new members and equipping them for the new season.

Our Future
Team 7157 has been very successful over the past few years and hopes to maintain that. In the 2025 season, we are hoping to re-win Beach Blitz and OCR in addition to winning other events. We are also eagerly awaiting our chance to advance to Einstein's and compete with the top teams. With the extraordinary display of our efforts and success this year, we have achieved a lot this past season. We hope to continue this success into the 2025 season.